Artop & Co Ltd
Legal Consultants – Land & Property Consultants
Nationwide Coverage
How can we help you?
We’re waiting to here from you if you need guidance in any of the following areas:
- Incapacitated relatives
- Lasting Power of Attorney Documents
- Office of the Public Guardian registrations
- Wills Probate and Estate Planning
- Local Authority Residential Care Financial Assessment advice
- NHS Continuing Care Assessment advice
- Business Start Up advice
- Business Partnership Agreements
- Ad hoc Legal Agreements
- Residential and Commercial Property Solutions

How do our appointments work?
Pre-arranged appointments are available either in person (office based or home visit) or remotely via telephone or online. It’s your choice. To arrange an appointment or a no obligation telephone consultation please get in touch using the link below.

Its important to plan ahead
If you don’t take the time to arrange your Will and Lasting Power of Attorney documents and plan for the uncertainties in your life (particularly that inevitable one) you really are setting up your loved ones to face brick walls and red tape in the future.
Making a Will and planning for possible incapacity avoids the problems. This allows your chosen ones to quickly knock down those brick walls and cut through the red tape.